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The Giving Book: from our hearts to yours vol 3

 Category: Newest Releases  Publisher: ‎ writers2readers,llc More Details

This Full Color Book you hold in your hands is from 33 “authors” – A collection of poetry, art, photography, short stories, Anime, and more from our hearts to your heart. Take time to enjoy your moment of Self-Care, to read, and to relax.

Everything about this book is giving. You the reader give to a non-profit when you purchase the book, the “authors” give from their hearts to your heart, the lead author gives a place for the “authors” voice to be heard, and again you the reader, give a second time when you share with others, the stories, the photos, the beauty in each page.

There are six sections in this volume:
1-Eyes Wide Open,
2-Perspective: let your mind and your eyes meet where Hope lives,
3-Laugh, because you can,
4-My heart feels what your eyes witnessed,
5-In your mind’s eye,
6-Real life, Real Hope, in the Real World

At the end of the book, you get to meet each contributor and learn more about them.

Take a little self-care time and enjoy.
Proceeds from Amazon sales go to the Idaho youth Ranch, helping youth, families and community,

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